TODAY'S TOP STORIES - August 4, 2017

Trump Is on a Mission to Convert White Resentment into a Federal Agency

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Several government agencies are abandoning enforcement of equal rights to elevate white America. READ MORE»

Detroit Is Not a Movie

By Frank Joyce, AlterNet

Once again, Kathryn Bigelow reinforces the white-way-of-thinking about the perpetual U.S. wars on people of color.  READ MORE»

Trump Begged Mexico's President Not to Tell the Truth About His Vile Border Wall

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Surprise, surprise. The cornerstone of his presidential campaign was one big lie. READ MORE»

The Dangerous Delusions of Richard Dawkins

By Jeremy Lent, AlterNet

His rationalist crusade creates a false impression that the only alternative to religion is reductionist science.  READ MORE»

Chomsky: How the U.S. Developed Such a Scandalous Health System

By C.J. Polychroniou, Truthout

It all started after World War II, but now public support for universal health care is higher than ever.  READ MORE»

Why Is the 'Deep State' on the Tip of So Many Tongues These Days?

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Growing intelligence and military agency bureaucracies breed paranoia and resistance.  READ MORE»

Resistance Against Trump Is Just a Text Message Away—and Organizing Leaders Say It's Working

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

A new texting tool helps connect resisters to bigger protests, bigger media and bigger change. READ MORE»

Progressive Groups Fire Back After Democratic Party Puts out the Welcome Mat for Anti-Choice Liberals

By Julia Flasphaler, Celisa Calacal, AlterNet

Pro-choice groups argue that a woman's right to choose is a basic human right, not a political tactic. READ MORE»

Power-Serving Pundits Continue McCarthyite Smears Against Women’s March

By Adam Johnson, AlterNet

Performative outrage over violence doesn’t require any coherent discussion of the political context of the violence. READ MORE»

Mueller Impanels Grand Jury in Russia Probe, and 'Large-Scale Series of Prosecutions' Could Be Coming

By Elizabeth Preza, Raw Story

A new report indicates the investigation is bigger than Flynn, "perhaps substantially so." READ MORE»

Turns out HBO's 'Confederate' Is Even Hated by Racists

By Alessandra Maldonado, Salon

If even the "southern heritage" squad calls the series problematic, it probably shouldn't air. READ MORE»

Inside the Total Catastrophe That Ensued After an Elected Libertarian Mayor Promised the 'Freest Little City in Texas'

By James McCandless, Texas Observer

How an 'experiment' in city government fell apart over taxes, debt and some very angry people. READ MORE»

10 Types of Marijuana Perfect for Pain Relief and Better Than Opioids

By Maria Loreto, The Fresh Toast

Knowledge is power. READ MORE»

What Is a Black Professor in America Allowed to Say?

By Steve Kolowich, The Guardian

Tommy J. Curry thought forcing a public discussion about race and violence was part of his job, but people didn’t want to hear it. READ MORE»

Trump Denies Telling Golf Buddies the White House Is a 'Dump'

By Julia Flasphaler, AlterNet

Reporter Alan Shipnuck defends his quote published in a recent issue of Sports Illustrated. READ MORE»

Trump Considers Prolonging Afghan War to Secure $1 Trillion in Untapped Mineral Deposits

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

He wants to get rich off untapped mineral deposits.  READ MORE»

'The Revolution Will Not Be NGO-ized': 4 Lessons From African Feminist Organizing

By Valerie Bah, Felogene Anumo, OpenDemocracy

African feminist movements can and must learn from decades of transformational organizing on the continent. READ MORE»

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