TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 18, 2016

Here Are Ted Cruz's Five Most Fanatical Foreign Policy Advisors

Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Three staffers from extremist group behind Trump's racist Muslim ban are among Cruz's picks. READ MORE»

10 of the Worst Big Pharma Company Rip-Offs — and Their Plan to Keep the Gravy Train Rolling

Martha Rosenberg, The Influence

Martin Shkreli isn't the only one putting high prices on life saving drugs.  READ MORE»

Trump Has His Finger on the Pulse of America’s Bloodlust and We’re All a Little Guilty

Adele M. Stan, The American Prospect

Americans revel in entertainment violence, so it’s not surprising that Trump has carved a path to victory in part by aggression. READ MORE»

The Imprisonment Rate for Black women is 2X That of White Women

By Victoria Law, The Public Eye

The incarceration rates are staggering. READ MORE»

Let's Dispense With Political Correctness and Talk Straight: Donald Trump Is a Racist

By Silpa Kovvali, Salon

It's time to stop protecting people from the social consequences of their hateful words and views. READ MORE»

7 Things You Didn't Know About the Ultra Rich

By Scott Klinger,

New data provides a glimpse into the lives of the richest of rich — how the 400 highest earners make their money and pay their taxes. READ MORE»

How the Zika Virus Exacerbates Abortion Access Problems for Women

By Chelsey Coombs, AlterNet

Pregnant women at risk of contracting Zika have no recourse if the right to choose continues to be taken from them. READ MORE»

Half of American Women Hate Trump According to New Poll

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Reuters said Trump’s “very unfavorable” rating among women has increased 10 points since October. READ MORE»

What Keeping Oil in the Ground Can Do for Economic Inequality

By Yessenia Funes, YES! Magazine

A successful energy transition to renewables could not only rescue the planet but create a more just economy. READ MORE»

9 Things We've Learned From a 50-Year War on Drugs

By Open Democracy, Open Democracy

Across the Americas, drug prohibition has fueled inequality, bloodshed, and mass human rights violations. We need to understand why it has failed.  READ MORE»

This Advice From the Dalai Lama Is Beautifully Simple — Disarm Yourself & Demilitarize the World

By The Dalai Lama, Renuka Singh, Hampton Roads Publishing Company

Hatred is almost of no use. READ MORE»

Calling the Police or Having a Misdemeanor Could Land You on the 'Terror Watch List'

By John Vibes, The Free Thought Project

A "filing error" with life-altering consequences. READ MORE»

Why Do Anatomy Textbooks Still Give Short Shrift to the Clit?

By Jane Chalmers, Cat Jones, The Conversation

Still today, decades after sexual liberation movements took hold, few words and diagrams are devoted to understanding the clitoris. READ MORE»

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