Plus, new information about a secretive right-wing network, and more…
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August 26, 2022
Trump Is Drowning in the Mar-a-Lago Scandal
His run-in with the DOJ may not land him in prison, but it has the potential to sap his political power when he needs it the most.
by Alex Thomas
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We are a small, independent magazine, and our subscribers ensure that our journalists have the resources they need to correct misinformation and expose the right’s assaults on our democracy. Will you support their reporting by subscribing today?
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Felix Frankfurter warned that politicians, not the courts, should make policy.
by John Fabian Witt
Though not nearly enough, the president’s move is a good one—and is the result of a decade-plus of activism by thousands of brave Americans.
by Astra Taylor
The Council for National Policy, a secretive network of powerful conservatives, goes to great lengths to conceal its activities and even its members. But recently uncovered documents reveal the extent of the group’s influence on American politics.
by Anne Nelson
Moderates don’t actually have any ideas to address the student loan crisis.
by Alex Shephard
The right means business. It’s high time we did too.
by Sarah Schulman


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