TODAY'S TOP STORIES - June 26, 2017

John Oliver Tries Desperately to Talk Some Sense into Anti-Vaxxers Before It's Too Late

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

The "Last Week Tonight" host warns they're putting us all at risk. READ MORE»

Trump Is Reportedly 'Struggling to Stay Calm' as the Russia Investigation Deepens

By Hunter, DailyKos

A new investigation finds the president is consulting with his legal team daily.  READ MORE»

Donald Trump's Demented New Attack on Barack Obama Won't Save Him

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Now he's blaming his predecessor for the Russian hacks he insists didn't happen. READ MORE»

Trump's Racist Fans Turn on Each Other over 'Pathetic' Weekend Rally

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

White nationalist Richard Spencer lashes out after a meager gathering at the Lincoln Memorial. READ MORE»

Ivanka Trump Is Really Making This Claim About Her White House Job with a Straight Face

By Martin Pengelly, The Guardian

The first daughter desperately wants you to believe she's not as heartless as her father. READ MORE»

'Morning Joe' Reveals How 'Crazy and Jealous' Trump Fell for Obama's 'Jedi Mind Trick'

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

"He got him to admit that the health care bill is mean." READ MORE»

Trump Ditches White House Tradition of Celebrating End of Ramadan

By Louise Nordstrom , France 24

The president isn't even masking his Islamophobia. READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Keith Knight on the Brutal History of Lynchings in the United States

By Keith Knight, AlterNet

A harrowing peek at the town halls of yesteryear. READ MORE»

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