TODAY'S TOP STORIES - August 8, 2017

Despite Trump's Unpopularity, Democrats Face Long Road Back Into Power

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

There are a handful of hopeful signs for 2018, but the GOP's grip is deep and vast. READ MORE»

The Three Powerful Generals Surrounding Trump: What Does It Mean for His Presidency and the Country?

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Trump’s militarized presidency could have perilous consequences. READ MORE»

Trump Just Helped Prove How Fake His Twitter Following Is

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

This is what happens when your biggest fans are bots.  READ MORE»

Why Are So Many Pot Shops in Poor Neighborhoods?

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

It's not a plot to keep the people down.  READ MORE»

Is Trump About to Push Us into War with Iran?

By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet

Trump is making subtle moves to dissolve the Iran deal. READ MORE»

AFT Teachers Union Chief Randi Weingarten Says Trump Leads 'Most Anti-Public-Education' Administration Ever

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

Head of 1.6 million-member union on the Trump right's "double whammy": they hate public education and hate labor.  READ MORE»

22 Ways Sean Hannity Has Tried to Undermine the Russia Probes

By Alex Kaplan, Media Matters

And counting... READ MORE»

'Chicken Hawk Piece of Trash': Vets Unload on Trump for Attacking Dem Senator's Military Record

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

Meanwhile Trump avoided the Vietnam War with four draft deferments.  READ MORE»

Babies Are Losing Sleep—And Touch Screens Are to Blame

By Anna Sanford, AlterNet

A new study reveals that the rampant use of media devices is preventing babies from getting their necessary shuteye. READ MORE»

The Trump Administration Is Trying to Take Away the Rights of Millions of Americans to Get Paid for Their Overtime

By Heidi Shierholz , Economic Policy Institute

President Trump uses workers as props for photo-ops, but always sides with CEOs.  READ MORE»

Mano a Mano: Schwarzenegger Unveils 'Blueprint' to Challenge Trump on Climate

By Lorraine Chow, EcoWatch

The former California governor helped launch the Environmental Digital Legislative Handbook to help lawmakers counter Trump's anti-climate policies. READ MORE»

The Supreme Court Made It Harder for States to Ban Sex Offenders From Social Media—Here's Why

By Melissa Hamilton, The Conversation

The Supreme Court has previously accepted state legislative findings that vulnerable children need to be protected from dangerous sex offenders. As a result, the high court has typically upheld sex offender-based laws. READ MORE»

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