NEWS: Officials say the move will result in lower healthcare costs by unleashing competition. Some industry stakeholders are disputing that claim.
Monday, June 24, 2019

NEWS: Trump Issues Executive Order on Healthcare Price Transparency

Officials say the move will result in lower healthcare costs by unleashing competition. Some industry stakeholders are disputing that claim.

Hospitals "will be required to publish prices that reflect what people actually pay for services in a way that's clear, straightforward, and accessible for all," Trump said.
An economist spoke briefly at the signing ceremony to say the move is likely to reduce costs and benefit the economy overall. But AHIP is already disputing that claim.
HHS Secretary Alex Azar praised the order as representing "one of the most significant steps ever taken to put American patients in control of their care."
Trump, in his typical hyperbolic style, said some have suggested the order may be even "bigger than healthcare itself."

Trump said healthcare prices will drop in response to this order. Read the full story...


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