Plus: Judge Blocks Idaho Law Barring Transgender Athletes From Competing in Women’s Sports
August 18 2020
Trump Pardons Susan B. Anthony on 100th Anniversary of Women’s Suffrage
By Fred Lucas

The celebrated 19th-century women’s rights activist was tried and convicted after voting in the 1872 presidential election, at a time in America when only men were allowed to vote.
Judge Blocks Idaho Law Barring Transgender Athletes From Competing in Women’s Sports
By Mary Rose Corkery

The federal judge’s ruling will allow transgender girls and women to participate in women’s sports this fall at colleges and in secondary schools as the lawsuit proceeds.
States Have an Obligation to Offer Parents School Choice During Pandemic Closures
By Kay C. James

Taxpayer dollars spent on public education are meant for the education of students. Those dollars should actually fund students, not empty school buildings.
21 States Move to Support Praying Coach for Round 2
By Nicole Russell

A friend-of-the-court brief in support of fired coach Joe Kennedy argues that “curtailing religious liberty is harmful to public employees and government employees alike.”
University Instructor Warns Anti-BLM, Pro-Life Views ‘Grounds for Dismissal’
By Mary Margaret Olohan

“Any instances of othering that you participate in intentionally (racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, sorophobia, transphobia … body shaming, etc.) in class are grounds for dismissal,” the teacher writes.
Some Great Picks That Trump Should Consider for Supreme Court
By John G. Malcolm

These men and women have what it takes to serve with distinction on the Supreme Court.

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