TODAY'S TOP STORIES - June 19, 2017

Paul Krugman: The GOP Has Become a Party of Vampires and Zombies

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

Their health care policies suck the life out of the American people. READ MORE»

Trump Reportedly Hates Being President, but 'Doesn't Want to Go Down in History' for Resigning

By Hunter, DailyKos

Adviser says he feels "strained" by life in D.C. and the job's long hours. READ MORE»

Charles Blow Makes a Bold Prediction for How the Trump Investigation Will Unfold

By Lauren Kaori Gurley, AlterNet

"Someone is probably going to jail." READ MORE»

John Oliver Crushes Trump's Egregious Lies to Coal Miners

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

"Stop telling them that their jobs are coming back!" READ MORE»

Trump Supporters Are Now Harassing Random Theaters that Bear Shakespeare's Name

By Edward Helmore, The Guardian

Just when you thought the "Julius Caesar" backlash couldn't possibly get any dumber. READ MORE»

Mike Pence’s Private Emails Cost Indiana a Ridiculous Sum of Money

By Graham Lanktree, Newsweek

Another case of tax payers footing the bill for Republican hypocrisy. READ MORE»

4 Enduring Myths About American Slavery

By Daina Ramey Berry, The Conversation

An urgent history lesson on the 152nd anniversary of Juneteenth. READ MORE»

Fox News' Chris Wallace Nails Trump's Lawyer in a Brazen Lie

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"You don't know whether he's under investigation or not." READ MORE»

Virginia Police Arrest Suspect in Abduction, Beating and Murder of 17-Year-Old Muslim Girl

By David Ferguson, Raw Story

Twenty-two-year-old Darwin Martinez Torres has been charged with murder. READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Tom Tomorrow on the Future Evidence of Trump's Malfeasance

By Tom Tomorrow, AlterNet

What will it take for Trump supporters to abandon ship? READ MORE»

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