TODAY'S TOP STORIES - October 24, 2016

Donald Trump Is a a Serial Anti-Semite

By Peter Dreier, AlterNet

Trump's chronic anti-Semitism is often overlooked among the laundry list of the GOP candidate's bigotry and offensive comments. READ MORE»

Here’s What Nobody Understands About Race in America

By Lynn Stuart Parramore, AlterNet

There's a new key to unlocking the mystery of inequality between black and white citizens. READ MORE»

Breakfast: Essential or Overrated?

By Reynard Loki, AlterNet

Some of us never have it. Some of us never skip it. Figuring out who's better off is a tricky business. READ MORE»

The Youthful Carnage: Kids Keep Dying and There is No Political Will to Do Anything About It

By Gary Younge, Tom Dispatch

Nothing changes to tackle the causes of youngster deaths. READ MORE»

My Great Depression

By Arthur Goldhammer, The American Prospect

Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will, counseled Antonio Gramsci. But in 2016, pessimism is gaining the upper hand. READ MORE»

Donald Trump's Surreal Alternate Reality

By Paul Waldman, The American Prospect

You can look at this kind of shameless rejection of reality as politically effective brazenness. But what if he actually believes what he says? READ MORE»

A Clinton Supporter Talks to a Trump Voter at One of His Rallies...They End Up Agreeing on More Than You'd Think

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

You won't see this on T.V. READ MORE»

Reich on The Destruction of Trust: It Started with Newt, Included Many Drug Companies and Now Trump Seals the Deal

By Robert Reich,

Even when some of these trust-destroyers get nailed with fines or penalties, or public rebuke, they don’t bear the larger costs. READ MORE»

Enough Native Stereotyping: Dakota Pipeline Showdown at Standing Rock is Where Native American Are Drawing the Line

By Jim Hightower, AlterNet

Defenders of Native American ceremonial grounds push back at powerful corporate head. READ MORE»

Why Massachusetts Is Ground Zero in the Battle Over Charter Schools

By Alan Singer, Huffington Post

“They have targeted Massachusetts with the idea that if they can win here, it makes the road to privatization across the country easier.” READ MORE»

The New 'Inconvenient Truth': Leonardo DiCaprio's New Documentary Wants to Challenge Climate Change Skeptics

By Eileen G'Sell, Salon

An interview with Fisher Stevens about "Before the Flood," his new climate change doc starring Leo as Everyman. READ MORE»

Donald Trump Is the Right-wing, Aging White Boomers' Last Gasp: The Future May Look Brighter

By David Masciotra, Salon

The embattled GOP nominee represents the last stand for an entire generation of conservatives. READ MORE»

Olive Garden Chief Gets a Leadership Award, Even Though His Company Is Bad for Workers, Health, Animals and the Environment

By Kari Hamerschlag, Christopher D. Cook, AlterNet

Fifteen groups oppose the award to Gene Lee, CEO of Darden, the world's largest restaurant company. READ MORE»

Looking Into the Cannabis Crystal Ball: The Important Issues to Watch as Cannabis Becomes Legal

By John Hudak, Brookings Institution Press

The choices the federal government must and will make will have far-reaching consequences. READ MORE»

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