TODAY'S TOP STORIES - October 25, 2016

'The Blacks' and 'The Latinos': Trump's Blatant Racism Is Visible for All to See

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

The Donald chokes whenever he gets near race.  READ MORE»

Donald Trump Instructed 400 People to Shout Insults to My Face

By Elizabeth Preza, AlterNet

At a Trump rally in suburban Pennsylvania, the media is enemy number one. READ MORE»

Is Your Office Tech Making You Sick?

By Larry Schwartz, AlterNet

Common desktop items like keyboards and mice may be teeming with harmful bacteria. READ MORE»

Watch This Hilariously Insane Sheldon Adelson Anti-Marijuana Ad

By Tana Ganeva, AlterNet

The billionaire mogul has turned his attention to keeping pot illegal, even as 60 percent of Americans support legalization.  READ MORE»

Tom Hayden's Legend Started With the Prescient and Still Relevant Port Huron Statement

By G. Pascal Zachary, AlterNet

Hayden, dead at 76, was a master strategist, a brilliant speaker, and a long-distance runner for change. READ MORE»

Donald Trump's Collapse Was Caused by One Big Factor: Hillary Clinton

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Yes, Trump has been finally been undone by his own vileness. But don't overlook the woman who's kicking his butt. READ MORE»

Michael Moore Both Tangles and Finds Common Ground With Conservative 'View' Host

By David Edwards, Raw Story

During an appearance on the daytime talk show, Moore also discussed his new film on Trump. READ MORE»

Tom Hayden Always Rocked the Boat

By Peter Dreier, AlterNet

An appreciation of the legendary political activist. READ MORE»

Big Corporate Money on California's Ballot Initiative Badly Distorts Direct Democracy

By Judith Lewis Mernit, Capital and Main

This is not what was intended when more democracy was given to the voters. READ MORE»

Two Studies Show Volunteers Live Longer and Happier Lives

By Jenny Santi, Tarcher/Penguin

Those who reported at least 200 hours of volunteer work per year were 40 percent less likely to develop high blood pressure. READ MORE»

John Oliver Blasts Pharma's Role in U.S. Opioid Epidemic: 'This Is Happening Everywhere'

By Brendan Gauthier, Salon

"Some towns have been devastated," Oliver warned.  READ MORE»

It’s Time to Stop Using Plastic Drinking Straws: They Harm Wildlife and Are Bad for the Environment (Video)

By Robin Scher, AlterNet

Americans use 500 million plastic straws every single day. READ MORE»

Equality Becomes a Talking Point in North Carolina Gubernatorial Race

By Barry Yeoman, The American Prospect

With the state’s demographics and political makeup shifting, backlash against anti-LGBT law may help send Democrat Roy Cooper to the governor's office.  READ MORE»

Rape as a War Crime: New Documentary on Landmark Human Rights Case

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"The Uncondemned" documents prosecution resulting from the 1994 Rwandan genocide. READ MORE»

Straight Girls Do Kiss on Campus, but What About Those Who Don't Go to College?

By Jamie Budnick, The Conversation

Why is no one studying "sexual friendships" among women previously ignored, like single moms? READ MORE»

What You Need to Know About Voting for Medical Marijuana on Nov. 8

By Steven Kinsey, Divya Ramesh, The Conversation

On Nov. 8, Arkansas, Florida and North Dakota will vote on medical marijuana. READ MORE»

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