TODAY'S TOP STORIES - February 3, 2017

Trump's Bloodthirsty National Prayer Speech Was Quite a Doozy

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

"Religious liberty" at home and violence abroad. READ MORE»

Many from the Washington Power Elite Are United in Their Dismay About Trump's White House

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Democrats, Republicans and military leaders denounce the president's recklessness. READ MORE»

9 Ways IUDs Could Help Women in the Trump Era

By Valerie Tarico, AlterNet

Faced with an anti-choice administration, here’s one way to take care of ourselves. READ MORE»

Doctor Claims to Know the Weird Secret Behind Trump's Hair

By Nadia Khomami, The Guardian

Dr. Harold Bornstein says the president famous for his distinctive hairstyle takes prostate-related drug that stimulates growth. READ MORE»

5 Simple Rebuttals to the Common Arguments Against the Value of Protesting Donald Trump

By Adam Johnson, AlterNet

Protests and boycotts are as important as ever, despite the naysayers and critics. READ MORE»

It's Time to Take America's Billionaire Class Head On

By David Morris, AlterNet

This is a time to expose, to educate and to resist. READ MORE»

5 Warning Signs That Your Neighborhood Is Gentrifying

By D. Watkins, Salon

Know what to look for before your rent goes up. READ MORE»

Michael Eric Dyson Calls for Unity in the Face of Trump and Racism

By Michael Eric Dyson, St. Martin's Press

We have, in the span of a few years, elected the nation’s first black president and placed in the Oval Office the scariest racial demagogue in a generation. The two may not be unrelated. READ MORE»

'Case Closed': The View and Dr. Phil Tick off List of Trump's Narcissistic Personality Disorder Traits

By David Ferguson, Raw Story

Psychologists get it, but what will it take for the American people to realize? READ MORE»

Hundreds of Texas Muslim Leaders Receive Alarming Survey Investigating Their Views on Islam

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

The inflammatory three-question survey asks leaders to state whether they believe the Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization. READ MORE»

Jim Hightower: We Need a Revolution on Our Plates

By Jim Hightower, Hightower Lowdown

"Farm policy hasn’t come up even once in a presidential debate for the past 16 years." READ MORE»

Canadian Mosque Shooter Is Proof of the Dangers of Right-Wing Online Trolls

By Eric Boehlert, Media Matters

Trolling is not harmless; it empowers right-wing terrorists. READ MORE»

Why Many Girls Are Less Likely to Have Confidence in Their Intelligence by the Age of 6

The Frisky

“Even though parents may not explicitly endorse these stereotypes, they’re nevertheless part of this culture.” READ MORE»

Is Microdosing Marijuana the Next New Thing?

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

Is it a new phenomenon or a marketing ploy? READ MORE»

Chicago's Top Cop Calls Trump's Bluff on How He Could Solve Violent Crime in a Week

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Months before his "American carnage" inaugural address, the president claimed Chicago's violent crime problem could be solved "in a week." READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Jen Sorensen on the Muslim Ban

By Jen Sorensen, AlterNet

America returns from vacation, is banned from JFK. READ MORE»

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