TODAY'S TOP STORIES - June 11, 2017

Trump Believes in a World Order Based on Brute Force—and Much of Europe Is Surprisingly Willing to Go Along with It

By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet

It would be a much crueler world if we let Trump have his way. READ MORE»

10 Clues from Comey That Trump-Russia Investigations Are Growing

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Secret channels to Moscow? More unreported meetings? Encrypted messages?  READ MORE»

An Ascendant Multiracial Coalition Is on the Cusp of Defeating White Supremacy and Will Open the Doors to a New Era of Democracy

By Sheryll Cashin, Beacon Press

A new excerpt from Sheryl Cashin's new book, "Loving: Interracial Intimacy and the Threat to White Supremacy."  READ MORE»

Polarized Public Discourse and Political Purity Wars Can Start the Groundwork for Committing Atrocities

By Patricia Roberts-Miller, Salon

The attitude of 'us vs. them' can lead to state-led violence. READ MORE»

‘That’s Our Word Now’: Ice Cube Explains to ‘Redneck Trucker’ Maher Why He Can’t Casually Use Racial Slur

By Elizabeth Preza, Raw Story

“It’s a word that has been used against us, it’s like a knife man." READ MORE»

'Inspirational' Corbyn Offers Blueprint for Our Party, Say Left-Leaning Democrats

By Adam Gabbatt, The Guardian

Progressive Democrats hail UK election result while Bernie Sanders says Labour leader’s success shows ‘people are rising up against austerity and inequality.' READ MORE»

Emails Expose How Saudi Arabia and UAE Work the U.S. Media to Push for War

By Ben Norton, AlterNet

The UAE’s man in Washington enjoys a cozy relationship with a top Beltway pundit. READ MORE»

WATCH: Samantha Bee Rips Attorney General Sessions on His Hideous Drug Policies

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

The Full Frontal host slices and dices the "apple-cheeked hate goblin" in a bleakly hilarious critique of his embrace of longer drug sentences. READ MORE»

China's Arrest of Activists Investigating Ivanka Trump-linked Factory Unprecedented

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

China is refusing to release three activists who were arrested while they were investigating labor conditions. READ MORE»

'For the Many, Not the Few:' Labour Party Gains in Britain Highlight Political Viability of Socialism

By Benjamin Dangl, Toward Freedom

Progressive activists across the world are taking note of Jeremy Corbyn's success. READ MORE»

How Democrats Help Big Pharma Keep Drug Prices High

By David Sirota, International Business Times

The clash between populist outrage at rising drug prices and the industry’s political clout in Hartford illustrates why seemingly straightforward consumer protection measures still face steep odds. READ MORE»

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