TODAY'S TOP STORIES - December 21, 2016

Mothers Incarcerated With Their Children in Obama's Disgraceful Family Prisons Want Freedom for the Holidays

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Advocates slam family detention as a "national disgrace." READ MORE»

Donald Trump's Death Panel

By Joe Conason, AlterNet

Before Obamacare, thousands of uninsured Americans died every year because they didn't receive timely care. READ MORE»

Ignorance or Paranoia? Trump Links Three Unrelated Attacks in His 'Us vs. Them' Worldview

By Simon Maloy, Salon

Based on zero information, our president-elect lumps distinct acts of violence into a struggle for civilization. READ MORE»

Obama Protects Waterways From Coal Mining Before Trump Crashes the White House

By Reynard Loki, AlterNet

Big Coal isn't happy. READ MORE»

Starry-Eyed Trump Stuffs Cabinet With Losing, but 'Mad Dog' Type, Generals

By William Astore, TomDispatch

This is not good news for anyone—not even the military. READ MORE»

Threats to Abortion Clinics Are on the Rise Following the Election

By Kylie Cheung, The Frisky

Advocates are facing "the fight of their lives." READ MORE»

Are Younger Whites Less Racist? New Research Into Racial Attitudes Suggests Demographics Alone Won't Save America

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

Yes, young people are more liberal—but new data on white racism suggests Democrats shouldn't be too confident. READ MORE»

Why Sex Gets Better in Older Age

By Nicholas Eaton, Robert Krueger, Miri Forbes, The Conversation

Pop culture links aging to worsening sex life, but science says otherwise. READ MORE»

Reich: This Is Not Normal; This Is Really Dangerous—and We Have to Resist

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

A resistance plan for Trump's first 100 days. READ MORE»

American Neo-Nazis Believe Vladimir Putin Is the Heralded Savior of White People—Here's Why

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

“They are our barrier to the Oriental invasion of our homeland and the great protector of Christendom.” READ MORE»

In the Age of Trump, Resistance Movements Have to Get Offline

By Anne Kaun, OpenDemocracy

Remember that social media is a business, and platforms like Facebook are no substitute for the work of sustainable, long-term organizing. READ MORE»

The GOP Is Becoming a Pro-Putin Party—Where Is Trump Going to Lead Them Next?

By Paul Waldman, The American Prospect

With Trump in the White House, it turns out the Republican establishment is surprisingly suggestible.  READ MORE»

2016 Is About to Become the Hottest Year on Record

By Andrea Thompson, Climate Central

This is not the time to have climate deniers in cabinet posts. READ MORE»

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