
It was a chaotic day in the U.K. Theresa May survived an attempt to oust her as prime minister as she struggles to secure a Brexit deal. The result means her enemies can’t launch another attempt for a year. Catch up on the latest here, and make sure to follow @Brexit. —Josh Petri

Here are today's top stories

Michael Cohen is heading to prison for three years despite his effort to help prosecutors probe Russian election interference. He told the court he hid Donald Trump's "dirty deeds," but was punished for holding back.

Prosecutors also reached a deal with National Enquirer publisher American Media Inc. Under the agreement, AMI admitted it worked with Trump's campaign to kill stories about the president's previous relationships with women. Here are all of the Trump team's scandals

Amazon plans to invest $2.5 billion and hire 25,000 people in New York City over the next 15 years. But first it'll have to deal with a unionization campaign at its new fulfillment center on Staten Island.

Over the two decades retiring House Speaker Paul Ryan served in Congress, the national debt 

increased from less than $6 trillion to almost $22 trillion. Bloomberg Businessweek reveals what happened.

It would take only 118 pounds of fentanyl to kill 25 million people. So could it be used as a weapon of mass destruction?

The majority of Pilgrim's Pride chickens are raised and slaughtered in cruel and inhumane environments and then sold as “100% natural” birds that were raised as “humanely as possible,” according to a complaint filed with the FTC. Some end up being scalded or drowned while conscious, the Humane Society of the United States alleged.

What's Joe Weisenthal thinking about? Like everyone else, the Bloomberg news director is following the latest Brexit developments. He's also amazed at how the U.K. is continuing to function largely as normal. And for all the talk of Brexit uncertainty hurting the British economy, it's obviously not that severe. Yet.

What you'll need to know tomorrow

What you'll want to read tonight

Homebuyers Are Now 'Test-Driving' Mansions

“Try before you buy” was once a persuasion tactic employed almost universally by down-market timeshare agents. Now, in a second-home market awash in inventory, developers are using it to induce buyers.

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