TODAY'S TOP STORIES - February 9, 2017

Childcare Groups Are Playing Key Role in Pushing Change and Fighting Trump

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Childcare collectives across the country are forming the backbone of resistance movements. READ MORE»

'Trump Will Destroy Iran!' Hyper-Repressive Saudis Cheer President On

By Ben Norton, AlterNet

The country that produced the large majority of 9/11 terrorists is Trump's best friend. READ MORE»

Donald Trump's Coming Police State: We Have a President Who Wants Unlimited Power and Won't Respect the Rule of Law

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

He wasn't kidding about being the "law and order" president. What that will mean looks more chilling every day. READ MORE»

McConnell's 'Gag Rule' for Warren Echoes the Slavery Debate

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

In 1836, the Jacksonian majority silenced former president John Quincy Adams for the same reason the Trump Republicans shut down the Massachusetts senator. READ MORE»

Wall Street's Best Friend Trump Aims to Dismantle Dodd-Frank, Which Protects Millions of Americans from Fraud

By David Dayen, The American Prospect

Candidate Trump promised to take on Wall Street. As deregulator-in-chief, he will be Wall Street’s good buddy. READ MORE»

How the Infantile, Violent ‘Black Bloc’ Plays Into Trump's Hands

By Todd Gitlin,

Trump's tweet storms and falsehoods designed to keep us off-balance serve the same function as "black blocs." READ MORE»

Signal Received: White Nationalists Ecstatic Over Trump's Proposed Policy Change on Terrorism

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

Neo-Nazis, Klansmen and other hate groups always suspected Trump was their guy, and now they're sure of it. READ MORE»

'Explaining Hitler' Author Breaks Silence: Trump Uses 'Mein Kampf Playbook' to Normalize Tyranny

By David Edwards, Raw Story

"The truth is always worth knowing. Support your local journalist." READ MORE»

Robert Reich: Trump Is Escalating Attacks on Those With Independent Power

By Robert Reich,

The judiciary, the press, and states like California are major centers of resistance he can’t control. READ MORE»

'Women in His Grill': Is Tea Party Congressman Brat the Biggest Chicken in the House?

By Hannah Briggs, The Frisky

He runs away from meeting his constituency because women have opinions. READ MORE»

In Order to Succeed, the Anti-Trump Resistance Movement Must Look to Its Predecessors

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Studies show it takes just 3.5 percent of a population engaged in sustained nonviolent resistance to topple a dictatorship. READ MORE»

Empathy for the Devil

By Wendy Chin-Tanner, AlterNet

It’s too easy for us to demonize each other, dismissing opportunities to see and capitalize on the ways in which our views may even align. READ MORE»

Facebook Brags About Its New 'Clean Energy' Server Farm, but It Will Actually Increase Greenhouse Emissions

By Stan Cox and Paul Cox, AlterNet

An exercise in green corporate responsibility is actually a case of greenwashing. READ MORE»

Major Blow to Standing Rock Sioux: Final Phase of Dakota Access Pipeline to Be Approved

By Sam Levin, Julia Carrie Wong, The Guardian

The Army Corps of Engineers says it intends to grant a permit for the oil pipeline to cross the Missouri river, following Donald Trump's executive order. READ MORE»

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