TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 24, 2017

Trump Is Obsessed With His Twitter Following—Too Bad Most of His Followers Are Fake

By Celisa Calacal, AlterNet

Ever obsessed with popularity, the president loves to brag about his "millions of followers."  READ MORE»

Why We Can Safely Expect Many More Idiot Celebrities to Run for Office Now That Trump Has Shown the Way

By Max Cea, Salon

Why are so many celebrities flirting with running for office?  READ MORE»

Legal Experts Seriously Doubt Trump Could Absolve Himself in Russia Inquiry

By Tom McCarthy, The Guardian

Under pressure over a deepening scandal, Trump says he has "the complete power to pardon," but analysts suggest this is not the case. READ MORE»

Trump's In-Your-Face Impeachable Offense

By William Boardman, Reader Supported News

Obamacare is indisputably a law that the President has a constitutional duty to faithfully execute. READ MORE»

Picture a Leader with No F*cking Brains’: Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Unloads on Trump at Chicago Concert

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

Waters left no room for misinterpretation: "Trump is a pig." READ MORE»

3 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Humans' Ancient Relationship with Dogs

By April M. Short, AlterNet

Here are three key scientific theories about dog-human co-evolution. READ MORE»

Now Even the Vatican Is Calling Out the Political Wing of the American Christian Right

By Patricia Miller , Religion Dispatches

An article written by two allies of Pope Francis is taking on the “spurious alliance between politics and religious fundamentalism." READ MORE»

Republicans in Idaho Want to Send an Anti-Vaxxer to Congress?

By Kyle Mantyla, Right Wing Watch

He is a frequent guest on Alex Jones’ program. READ MORE»

How the School Privatization Agenda Turns Public School Parents into Feeling Like They Are Criminals

By Jeff Bryant, Blog for Our Future

How parents who send their kids to free public schools became the latest in a long list of "takers" READ MORE»

What Will America Look Like in 2050? Any Worse Than Now?

By John Feffer, TomDispatch

The monster continued to be fed, while the thermometers, floods, droughts, wild fires, sea levels, tides of refugees, and all the rest continued their inexorable rise.  READ MORE»

What Is Actor Seth Rogen's Beef with Marijuana Edibles?

By Julien Perry, The Fresh Toast

A single weed gummy ruined a whole movie for him. READ MORE»

Teaching People to Hate Snakes Is a Disaster for Ecology

By Melissa Amarello, AlterNet

Our negative attitude toward snakes is their biggest hurdle. READ MORE»

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