TODAY'S TOP STORIES - April 5, 2016

Why Trump's Retraction Is Even Worse Than 'Punishing Women'

Valerie Tarico, AlterNet

By rejecting taking pro-life to its logical conclusion of treating women seeking abortions like criminals, Republicans are instead treating women like feeble-minded children. READ MORE»

Watch: Young Turks Reveals How the DNC and 33 States Used Loopholes to Funnel Millions Into the 'Hillary Victory Fund'

Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

$26 million went into the Clinton campaign before a single vote was cast.  READ MORE»

Watch: Samantha Bee Takes Hilariously Cringing Look at Ted Cruz's Awful Supporters

Kali Holloway, AlterNet

The religious leaders in Wisconsin frontrunner Cruz's camp are as terrible as you might expect, and then some. READ MORE»

The Secret History of Donald Trump's Goon Squad: How a Wannabe Demagogue Hijacked the GOP Primary

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

What do the inner workings of Trump's campaign look like? Thanks to a report from New York magazine, now we know. READ MORE»

Robert Reich: The Republicans Are Determined to Suppress the Vote

By Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Blog

"We need to move to the next stage of voting rights!" READ MORE»

Donald Trump Offers Completely Unworkable Solution for How He'll Make Mexico Pay for Border Wall

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

The plan will be more than enough to sate his followers, though.  READ MORE»

Did Bernie Sanders Predict the Panama Papers When He Opposed Clinton-Backed U.S.-Panama Trade Deal?

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

The Panama Papers leak has drawn attention to a 2011 speech by Senator Bernie Sanders against the Panama-United States Trade Promotion Agreement. READ MORE»

New Climate Research Predicts Looming 'Disaster for Many Low-Lying Cities'

By Andy Rowell, Oil Change International

A new report suggests that the worst case climate scenario is closer than we think.  READ MORE»

Will Voter Suppression Skew Wisconsin Primary Results?

By Dave Johnson,

Crippling (and unnecessary) voter ID laws designed to deter residents likely to vote for democrats.  READ MORE»

Watch: John Oliver Exposes the Obscene Truth About Congressional Fundraising

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Lawmakers spend and insane amount of time smiling and dialing and talking to rich constituents. READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Matt Bors on Hillary's Resemblance to a Certain British Prime Minister

By Matt Bors, AlterNet

It's the '80s all over again.  READ MORE»

Idaho Mom Calls Police to Report She'd Found Her Missing Son—and Cops Come Smash the Boy's Face

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

Being allowed to detain runaways is not a license for police to use excessive force against a child.  READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Keith Knight on McDonald's Arches as the New American Flag

By Keith Knight, AlterNet

One nation under Big Mac READ MORE»

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