TODAY'S TOP STORIES - December 6, 2016

Fighting Back Against the White Revolt of 2016

By Bill Fletcher Jr., Bob Wing, AlterNet

Trump’s real triumph was his ability to shift Republican politics to straight racism, misogyny and xenophobia with a potent authoritarian tone. READ MORE»

How Trump's Great Con Gave Away the Government to the 0.01 Percent

By Richard Eskow,

Trump was always a Trojan horse for the 0.01 percent. And now he’s forming a government of, by, and for the very elites he campaigned against.  READ MORE»

Trump Gets Behind Philippines Drug War Mass Murderer

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

Duterte has lived up to his vow to kill thousands of drug users and sellers without bothering with arrests or trials, and Trump is okay with it.  READ MORE»

Fake News Is an Assault on the Very Principle of Truth Itself

By Neal Gabler,

Which means it is an assault on democracy as well. READ MORE»

Alec Baldwin's Knock-Out SNL Skits as Trump Are Making the President-Elect's Head Explode More Than Anything Else

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Baldwin is getting under Trump's skin. READ MORE»

Deals With the Devil: Vulnerable Senate Democrats Rush to Slam Anti-Donald Trump Plans

By Sophia Tesfaye, Salon

While many Democrats prepare to fight Trump, some facing re-election in 2018 are already willing to appease him. READ MORE»

Why Frequent Dieting Makes You Put on Weight—and What to Do About It

By Tim Spector, The Conversation

The phenomenon—dubbed yo-yo dieting—is associated with changes in metabolism. READ MORE»

Why Everything You’ve Read About Syria and Iraq Could Be Wrong

By Patrick Cockburn, The Independent

Journalists and public alike should regard all information about Syria and Iraq with reasoned skepticism.  READ MORE»

The Brexit Treatment: Now Donald Trump Voters Are Realizing They Made a Huge Mistake

By Jeremy Binckes, Salon

Voters make an impulse decision they've come to regret after sober thought—sound familiar?  READ MORE»

People Seek Revenge by Sending Their Ex's Immigration Status and Address to Trump

By Erin Corbett, Raw Story

Heartbreak finds new lows, inspired by the president-elect's penchant for vengeful petty tweets. READ MORE»

How Seasonal Affective Disorder Feels From the Inside

By Emma Phipps, The Establishment

“As the sun rises later and sets earlier, I feel as though darkness is surrounding me on all sides.” READ MORE»

12 Reasons Why You Should Be Extremely Concerned About Tyson Foods

By Ashley Schaeffer Yildiz, Rainforest Action Network

Tyson Foods causes serious harm to people, animals and the environment. READ MORE»

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