TODAY'S TOP STORIES - December 9, 2016

Unpacking the Dark and Contradictory Rhetoric of the White Nationalist Current That Ushered Trump to the White House

By Tim Wise, AlterNet

Make no mistake, this is a movement of conquest, domination and control, which seeks power for power’s sake. READ MORE»

Trump's Playbook to Betray His Followers and Bring New Heights of Corruption to Washington

By Nomi Prins, TomDispatch

Trump’s anti-establishment campaign rhetoric was the biggest scam of his career. READ MORE»

Election Aftermath: Toss the Thinking—Emotions Rule!

By Harriett Levin Balkind, Media Village

Facts don’t change minds, but appealing to voters' emotions might. READ MORE»

The Criminalization of Black Homelessness

By Ebony Slaughter-Johnson, AlterNet

White supremacy systematically creates poverty with one hand while violently punishing it with the other. READ MORE»

Donald Trump's Labor Secretary Pick Andy Puzder, Who Makes 300 Times His Employees, Opposes Minimum Wage Hike

By Brendan Gauthier, Salon

"Does it really help if Sally makes $3 more an hour if Suzie has no job?" Puzder argued in a March interview. READ MORE»

British Govt-Funded Outlet Offered Journalist $17,000 a Month to Produce Propaganda for Syrian Rebels

By Rania Khalek, AlterNet

Emails reveal that a popular source for mainstream Western media is a U.K.-backed propaganda outlet. READ MORE»

Do Vegetarians Really Live Longer Than Meat Eaters?

By James Brown, The Conversation

There's some fog to clear up between scientific fact and rumors and folk wisdom. READ MORE»

In Legal Pot States, People Are Turning to Buds Over Beer

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

Maybe it's time to be talking about the public health benefits of marijuana legalization.  READ MORE»

Weather Channel Scientist to Breitbart News: 'Please Stop Using My Face to Mislead Americans'

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"Note: Fact: The Earth is warming." READ MORE»

A Blueprint to Stop the Hemorrhaging of Jobs from the U.S.

By Les Leopold, AlterNet

Your job could be next. READ MORE»

Trump Is Setting Himself up for a Coup by Packing Cabinet With Ex-Generals, Military Expert Warns

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

Civilian control of the military is necessary to preserve American democratic institutions. READ MORE»

Does Shaving Your Pubic Hair Make You at Greater Risk for STIs? One Study Says It Might

By Karen Fratti, The Frisky

Get tested for STIs, disclose to your partners, and practice safe sex. READ MORE»

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