TODAY'S TOP STORIES - December 7, 2017

Trump's Jerusalem Pronouncement Is a Classic American Imperial Blunder

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

From Bears Ears to Jerusalem, Trump's policy is all about disenfranchising people of color.  READ MORE»

Why the Idea That Donald Trump Is Creating a Loony Super-Secret Spy Team Is All Too Plausible

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Erik Prince and Oliver North are supposedly scheming to defeat the “Deep State” with a private Trumpian spy squad. READ MORE»

Man Denied Marriage License by Kim Davis Will Try to Unseat Her in 2018

By Emily C. Bell, AlterNet

Ordinary Americans are running against politicians who try their best to hold them back. READ MORE»

Trials Begin for 200 Anti-Trump Protesters and Journalists Who Were Arrested en Masse

By Amy Goodman, Juan González, Democracy Now!

The ACLU filed a lawsuit charging D.C. police with mistreating detainees. A complaint by four plaintiffs charges officers used excessive force and denied detainees food, water, and access to toilets. READ MORE»

The 5 Most Shocking Things About How Weinstein Got Away With It

By Rachel Leah, Salon

Unbelievable new details about the producer’s web of co-conspirators hit the New York Times. READ MORE»

Why Trump's Jerusalem Decision Is Dangerous as Hell

By Phyllis Bennis, AlterNet

Trump's decision is deliberately provocative, reckless and a danger to our national security.  READ MORE»

Dentists Have a Theory Why Trump Was Slurring Through His Jerusalem Speech

By David Ferguson, Raw Story

The president's oral care appears to leave something to be desired. READ MORE»

Mike Huckabee Rants About Chelsea Handler's Abortions in Bizarre Fox News Appearance

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

"I think in many ways she’s jealous of my daughter." READ MORE»

Steve Bannon Failed to Disclose That He's $2 Million in Debt: Report

By Noor Al-Sibai, Raw Story

The former Trump adviser is under water on multiple home loans. READ MORE»

Three Largest Meat Producers Rival Exxon in Greenhouse Gas Emissions

By Joe Loria, AlterNet

JBS, Cargill and Tyson emitted more greenhouse gas last year than all of France. READ MORE»

Why Did Facebook Give the Right-Wing 'Weekly Standard' Fact-Checking Duties?

By Sam Levin, The Guardian

The magazine dubbed "serial misinformer" becomes the first explicitly partisan organization to aid in the task, fueling concerns over right-wing influence over the site. READ MORE»

Why Doesn't the Corporate Media Say Roy Moore Is Accused of Teen Sexual Abuse in Their Headlines?

By Adam Johnson, FAIR

What he did was child abuse, and it's time for the press to admit it. READ MORE»

Why Is It So Difficult for Veterans With PTSD to Get Service Dogs?

By Meisha Rosenberg, AlterNet

If passed, the PAWS Act will address the current lack of funding that prevents veterans with PTSD from getting service dogs. READ MORE»

Will Cannabis Replace Opioids as Painkillers?

By Paul Fuhr, The Fix

The debate continues over whether cannabis is a viable alternative. READ MORE»

Activists Vow to Fight After Supreme Court Allows Enforcement of Muslim Ban

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

Appeals to the ban drag on while families live in fear. READ MORE»

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