TODAY'S TOP STORIES - November 1, 2017

6 Loose Ends in Mueller’s Investigation That Could End Up Shaking Trump’s Presidency

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Former campaign staffers, White House appointees and Trump family could be ensnared. READ MORE»

Moyers: Is Trump More Paranoid and Dangerous Than Nixon?

By Bill Moyers,

Historian Perlstein: Oh, I think there’s no question. I mean, he really takes Nixon’s worst qualities and turns them up to 11.  READ MORE»

Why We Are OCD About Our Phones?

By Sharon Begley, Simon & Schuster

Whether it's out of fear of missing out or a fear of being alone with our thoughts for any amount of time, it boils down to an obsessive compulsion. READ MORE»

Top 6 Trump Administration Crimes That Should Bring Indictments

By Juan Cole, Informed Comment

Jeff Sessions, Scott Pruitt and all the creeps in between.  READ MORE»

Did Anyone Notice the Role of Harvey Weinstein's 'Young Female Assistant' in His Many Sexual Assaults?

By Liz Posner, AlterNet

A mysterious female assistant helped to enable Weinstein's crimes. Should we blame her? READ MORE»

The Corporate, Third-Way Democrats Should Know That Screwing Public Schools Won't Get Dems. Elected

By Jeff Bryant, AlterNet

Democratic Party elites are peddling the same losing agenda on economics and education.  READ MORE»

Al Franken Lays Into Facebook Executive Over Russian Ad Buys in Tense Senate Hearing

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

The Minnesota senator looked visibly distraught by the end of his questioning. READ MORE»

The Washington Post Unloads on John Kelly in Scathing New Editorial

By Bob Brigham, Raw Story

"This is what happens in banana republics, not the world’s greatest democracy.” READ MORE»

Evangelical Pastor Forcibly Removed from Liberty University for Criticizing Donald Trump and Jerry Falwell

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

Rev. Jonathan Martin was attending a concert on campus at the time. READ MORE»

Google and Facebook's New Love for Pay Walls Will Make Online Publishing Less Open

By Simon Chandler, AlterNet

Putting smaller publishers out of business will only diminish the choice and plurality of online opinion. READ MORE»

Robert Reich Nails How the Trump Tax Plan Is One Big 'Trojan Horse'

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

Some middle earners would actually see their taxes increase. READ MORE»

Stop Trying to Convince Trump Voters—Start Trying to Win

By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout

If we want to win, we have to focus on the people who didn't vote. READ MORE»

The KKK: White America’s Primal Scream

By Rachel Leah, Salon

Rooted in anti-immigrant sentiment, the Ku Klux Klan and its bigotry changed policy and introduced refugee quotas. READ MORE»

How the Republican Tax Plan Head-Fakes Parents and Stiffs Children

By David Cay Johnson, DC Report

You won’t be getting a $2,000 Child Tax Credit check. READ MORE»

Scott Pruitt Declares War on Wind and Solar Energy, While Fossil Fuels Get Billions in Subsidies

By Elliott Negin, AlterNet

During a recent trip to Kentucky coal country, the EPA chief proposed ending renewable energy tax credits. READ MORE»

Here’s What Donald Trump Should Have Said About Opioids

By Maria McFarland Sánchez-Moreno, AlterNet

The harm stops here. READ MORE»

Can You Name the World's Top 5 Fuel Guzzling Countries? Here's an Interactive Map

By Laura Brothers, AlterNet

The use of clean energy across the globe may be growing, but so is oil consumption. READ MORE»

Will the AI Jobs Revolution Bring About Human Revolt, Too?

By Kentaro Toyama, The Conversation

Automation may soon put even white-collar professionals out of work. READ MORE»

Get Ready to Eat Chickens Cooked in China

By Martha Rosenberg, AlterNet

Many Chinese imports are already rejected because they contain pesticides, bacteria and other filth. READ MORE»

Here's Your Ultimate DIY Healthy Smoothie Guide

By Daniel Meek, AlterNet

Make smoothies at home to avoid unhealthy sweeteners and extra calories that shops sometimes use. READ MORE»

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