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June 18, 2020
The Supreme Court grants a reprieve to hundreds of thousands of young, undocumented immigrants. Their fate will now be decided in the November election.
By Matt Ford
A Worker Uprising at Planned ParenthoodStaff at the New York affiliate of the health care provider say their CEO is abusing her power and compromising their mission.
By Melissa Gira Grant
John Bolton: American CowardIn a conflict between charmless monsters, the former national security adviser belatedly draws down on President Trump.
By Matt Ford
How Democracy Dies at the Ballot BoxGetting elections right in the face of a pandemic—and a partisan meltdown

By Lee Drutman 
How to Survive SupermaxInside the hell of solitary confinement
By Arthur Longworth
Republican PhantasmagoriaThe deep roots of today’s anti-Progressive revolt
By Win McCormack
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