Plus, the Supreme Court in crisis, and more…
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September 26, 2022
Trump’s Legal Troubles Won’t End Well for Him—or Us
With the former president facing accountability on multiple fronts, how desperate—and dangerous—is he going to become?
by Michael Tomasky
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Special offer: Midterm elections package. 3 months for $10.
The city is the first in the country to pass, and begin to implement, a reparations program. Changing laws to undo discrimination is one thing. But will white citizens really be willing to pay for it?
by Kari Lydersen
Americans’ antipathy toward the high court is deepening—and for the first time, a slim majority favors expansion.
by Matt Ford
They have a charismatic young candidate and are facing the worst the GOP has to offer. Why isn’t the party doing more to win?
by Alex Shephard
The side deal that Chuck Schumer and Joe Manchin cut to pass the Inflation Reduction Act now threatens to be the proximate cause of a government shutdown.
by Grace Segers
The site’s “brevity” is dumb, ugly, and, ironically, it slows me down.
by Timothy Noah
Whether the outcome will be good or bad for the climate remains unclear. The process, though, was terrible.
by Kate Aronoff
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