TODAY'S TOP STORIES - September 11, 2017

Let's Take a Moment to Remember Trump's Monstrous Response to the 9/11 Attacks

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

He's never let human decency stop him from promoting his brand. READ MORE»

Paul Krugman: The Republican Party May End Up Destroying Human Civilization

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

Hurricane Irma is only the beginning.  READ MORE»

8 Lowlights from Steve Bannon's Tense New "60 Minutes" Interview

By Matthew Rozsa, Salon

The former Trump adviser sparred with Charlie Rose over immigration and more. READ MORE»

John Oliver Has All the Evidence He Needs That Trump Is 'Clearly' out of His Mind

By David Ferguson, Raw Story

The "Last Week Tonight" host dissects the president's deplorable DACA decision. READ MORE»

'Deep Throat' Mark Felt Had an Ulterior Motive for Leaking Watergate's Secrets

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

A new report indicates Felt was not the noble public servant we've been led to believe. READ MORE»

Republicans' Total Inability to Govern Is Destroying the Country from the Inside Out

By Joan McCarter, DailyKos

The party's climate denialism has left us uniquely vulnerable to natural disasters like Harvey and Irma. READ MORE»

From Bethlehem to Brooklyn: How a Socialist Palestinian Reverend Became a Frontrunner in the New York City Council Race

By Rob Bryan, AlterNet

Khader El-Yateem could become the first Palestinian ever elected to city council.  READ MORE»

The Single Biggest Question Left Unanswered from Steve Bannon's '60 Minutes' Interview

By Julie Alderman, Matt Gertz, Media Matters

Charlie Rose completely ignored the Breitbart CEO's deep ties to the Mercer family. READ MORE»

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