TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 21, 2018

Cornered by Mueller, Trump Hires a Hatchet Man

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Joseph diGenova, former U.S. attorney-turned-conspiracy-theorist, joins the White House defense team.  READ MORE»

Facebook's Latest Data Breach Reveals Silicon Valley's Fortunes Are Built on Pilfering Privacy

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Facebook has the keys to our personal lives. And that's just the beginning of the end of our privacy. READ MORE»

The Sexist, Racist Implications of the 'Walk Up, Not Out' Movement

By Kylie Cheung, AlterNet

Walk Up demands nothing of the policymakers who are actually in positions to make change. READ MORE»

What Mark Zuckerberg Said Years Ago About Facebook Could Haunt Him Amid the Cambridge Analytica Scandal

By Mehreen Kasana, AlterNet

The leaked instant messages show a darker side of Zuckerberg. READ MORE»

Proof the American Dream Has Been Indefinitely Deferred

By Alex Henderson, AlterNet

An alarming new study finds that homeownership in the U.S. is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. READ MORE»

Trump Ignored an All-Caps Warning in His Presidential Daily Briefing Not to Congratulate Putin

By Noor Al-Sibai, Raw Story

The president also didn't bother to condemn him over a recent international poisoning. READ MORE»

West Virginia Teachers Strike Awakened 'Sleeping Giant' of Labor Activism for Teachers Across the U.S.

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

Oklahoma has already set a strike deadline, and teachers in Arizona and Kentucky have been protesting for weeks. READ MORE»

Humanity's Meat and Dairy Intake Must Be Cut in Half by 2050 to Avoid Dangerous Climate Change

By Julie Cappiello, AlterNet

Going vegan will help reduce animal suffering, protect your health and halve your carbon footprint. So what are you waiting for? READ MORE»

The Misplaced Attacks on Legal Cannabis Continue

By Maryam Henein, Truthout

America's drug laws are hopelessly stuck in the past.  READ MORE»

Trump Administration Is Now Auctioning Off Public Land in Utah for Oil and Gas

By Lorraine Chow, EcoWatch

The land is located near protected national monuments. READ MORE»

How Much Daily Activity You Need to Burn off 9 Healthy (But High-Calorie) Foods

By Luke Doyle, AlterNet

Some of the most common healthy foods are also highly caloric. READ MORE»

Do You Have Any Idea How Much Green Spaces in Cities Are Actually Worth?

By Alan Davis, AlterNet

Urban green spaces are critical to our health and emotional well-being. READ MORE»

EPA Head Spends Over $100K in Taxpayer Money to Fly Around the World in First Class

By Noor Al-Sibai, Raw Story

This administration continues to burn through money that isn't theirs for personal luxuries. READ MORE»

Watch Trump Ignore a Reporter's Question About Mueller That He Clearly Heard

By David Edwards, Raw Story

The president wouldn't confirm that the special counsel shouldn't be fired. READ MORE»

15 Years Ago, America Destroyed My Country

By Sinan Antoon, Common Dreams

I never thought that Iraq could ever be worse than it was during Saddam's reign, but the 2003 U.S. invasion changed that.  READ MORE»

Former RNC Chair Takes Evangelicals to Task for Moral Hypocrisy on Trump

By Bob Brigham, Raw Story

Right-wing Christians are showing their lack of authentic values. READ MORE»

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