Trump should not be allowed to return to Twitter.

Free Press

Elon Musk just announced that he plans to let Trump back on Twitter. Donate to our emergency fundraiser to help us fight back.


Elon Musk just confirmed what we suspected: If he becomes CEO of Twitter, he will invite Donald Trump back onto the platform — calling the ban of the former president “morally wrong and flat-out stupid.”1

The richest person in the world clearly needs a history lesson. The only thing “morally wrong and flat-out stupid” is how long Trump was able to remain on the platform while he:

  • Repeatedly violated Twitter’s terms of service
  • Used the platform to promote violence
  • Posted countless blatantly racist tweets
  • Incited an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol and tweeted that the rioters were “patriots”

Trump should not be allowed to return to Twitter, but this is bigger than the former president. Musk is clearing the way to cherry pick any VIPs and world leaders he likes to stay on the platform.

Could you donate to our emergency fundraiser to help us fight back against Elon Musk and his terrible plans for the future of Twitter?

The threat of Trump returning to Twitter is just a symptom of a larger problem with the company. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other social-media companies have been failing for years to protect people from hate and disinformation. This has had drastic impacts on democracies across the globe, jeopardized public health throughout the pandemic and hastened the spread of lies and hatred.

Free Press is leading the fight against disinformation and hate on social-media platforms — and we have a plan to win. We just launched the #FixTheFeed campaign2 with a clear set of demands that companies like Twitter must meet to address these issues. We’ve built the coalition, we’ve done the research — now we need your help bringing it over the finish line.

Donate today to #FixTheFeed and fight hate and disinformation online.

Musk wants Twitter to be a free-for-all where content moderation is minimized under the guise of increasing debate in the public square. But as women, people of color, religious minorities and LGBTQIA+ folks know, removing content moderation does not increase debate in the public square: It makes it unsafe for us to participate at all.

Thank you for all that you do,

The Free Press team

P.S. Elon Musk wants to allow Trump to return to Twitter — showing that he doesn’t care one bit about how the ex-president used the platform to incite a violent white-supremacist insurrection. Please rush an emergency donation today to help us #FixTheFeed and push social-media companies like Twitter to crack down on hate and disinformation.



1. “Elon Musk Says He Would Reverse the Permanent Ban of Trump on Twitter,” The New York Times, May 10, 2022

2. “Social-Media Companies Have Failed Us: It’s Time to Fix the Feed,” Free Press, April 22, 2022

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