TODAY'S TOP STORIES - August 15, 2017

White Supremacists Don't Think They Have Power? Look at the Voting Laws in the States They Come From!

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

States with the worst anti-voter laws and most hate groups will play big roles in 2018 and 2020. READ MORE»

The Damage We Do to Boys and Men That Explains the Trump Presidency

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Toxic masculinity hurts men and women alike. READ MORE»

If We Can't Defend Animal Rights, We Don't Deserve to Call Ourselves Progressives

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

It's time for a revolution in thinking about the world's most pervasive form of exploitation. READ MORE»

America Is Hooked on the Drug of White Supremacy—We're Paying for That Today

By Carol Anderson, The Guardian

The nation is gripped by a deep malaise—and is writhing under its disastrous effects. READ MORE»

Identities of the Charlottesville White Nationalist Marchers Revealed

By Jennie Neufeld, AlterNet

Twitter users are forcing the unmasked racists to face the consequences. READ MORE»

Police Stood by as Mayhem Mounted in Charlottesville

By A.C. Thompson, Robert Faturechi, Karim Hajj, ProPublica

Cops and National Guardsmen watched passively for hours as self-proclaimed Nazis beat counter-protesters. READ MORE»

Neo-Nazi Site 'Daily Stormer' Finally Booted Off GoDaddy and Google for Inciting Charlottesville Violence

By Julia Flasphaler, AlterNet

The white nationalist website's vulgar article on a victim of the Charlottesville counterprotest was the final straw. READ MORE»

Captain Sully to Trump: You're Grounded

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

The "Hero of the Hudson" blasts the president's plan to privatize air traffic control. READ MORE»

Sorry, Mr. President: White People Are Not Oppressed in America

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

White people genuinely believe they are oppressed in American society, a deeply dangerous delusion. READ MORE»

Not Just in Charlottesville: Across the Country, Bills Immunize Drivers Who Injure Protesters

By Jennie Neufeld, AlterNet

The tragedy of Charlottesville sheds light on this unconstitutional trend. READ MORE»

Could the Dust in Your House Make You Gain Weight?

By Jill Richardson, AlterNet

The chemicals in our household dust may prime our bodies to gain more weight. READ MORE»

A Depressing Psychological Profile: My Meeting With Donald Trump Shows His Obvious Impairment Has Only Gotten Worse

By Bill Curry, Salon

I didn't get his endorsement when I ran for governor—but the severely troubled man I met has only gotten worse. READ MORE»

Little Kids, Big Fears: Talking About North Korea (and Trump) With Eight Year Olds

By The Editors of Rethinking Schools, Rethinking Schools

We don't protect kids by not engaging them in conversations about what's happening in the world. READ MORE»

Don't Privatize the Afghan War—Just End It

By Sonali Kolhatkar, Truthdig

Trump’s mercenary supporter Erik Prince has a self-serving proposal for Afghanistan. It must be condemned and rejected. READ MORE»

Opioids: An Important Treatment That Can Be Used Responsibly

By Ronald A. Lindsay, AlterNet

Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.  READ MORE»

As Billionaire Apple Heiress Laurene Powell Jobs Buys the Atlantic, Will Her Fierce Charter School Advocacy Be on the Agenda?

By Rodney Benson, Victor Pickard, The Conversation

Don't expect billionaires to be benevolent when it comes to a free press.  READ MORE»

We Would Need 1.7 Earths to Sustain Humanity's Current Rate of Resource Consumption

By Dr. David Suzuki, AlterNet

We're overfishing, overharvesting forests and emitting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than natural sinks like forests can sequester. READ MORE»

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