TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 11, 2016

Watch: The Daily Show Digs Up Disgusting 'Nuggets' From Trump Archive Trashing Poor People

Janet Allon, AlterNet

Trump has bragged that poor people love him; the feeling is not mutual. READ MORE»

Ben Carson Endorses Trump, Despite What He Sees as Frontrunner's Dual Personality

Jenny Pierson, Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Trump is very happy to get the endorsement of a man he once compared to a "child molester." READ MORE»

Paul Krugman Dissects the Real Problem With Trade Deals

Janet Allon, AlterNet

Being a demagogue on the issue is not going to solve it. READ MORE»

Samantha Bee Is Jon Stewart’s Real Heir: Finally, the 2016 Campaign Has the Satirist We So Desperately Need

By Sophia A. McClennan, Salon

Noah's "Daily Show" is generally toothless, Colbert's playing to the masses on CBS. Samantha Bee is taking down the right. READ MORE»

Ted Cruz's Father: Ted Has Been 'Called & Anointed' by God to Be the Next President (Video)

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Televangelist Kenneth Copeland laid hands upon Rafael Cruz after his fantastical declaration. READ MORE»

Media Critics: Networks Should Hang Up on Trump Phone Interviews

By Joe Strupp, Media Matters

"Trump has become his own executive producer." READ MORE»

'Gasland' Families Win $4.24M Victory Against Fracking Firm


A federal jury awarded the amount to two families in Pennsylvania after their water had been contaminated due to energy company Cabot drilling for gas. READ MORE»

Christian ‘Prophet’ Loses His Buttocks to a Hungry Lion While Trying to Prove God Would Save Him

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

“I do not know what came over me. I thought the Lord wanted to use me to show his power over animals." READ MORE»

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