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Trump signs spending bill, unlocking Covid aid and averting shutdown
The president on Sunday signed a $2.3T package that combines Covid-19 relief with government funding. His last-minute decision will restore enhanced unemployment assistance that expired Sunday and avert a shutdown that would have begun Tuesday.
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Steve Rattner: Support for 14M Americans was on the line
Morning Joe economic analyst Steve Rattner joins Morning Joe with charts to discuss the importance of extending unemployment benefits to roughly 14 million Americans.
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'First step on way back to normal life': Doctor participates in vaccine trial
Dr. Valerie Fitzhugh, Spokesperson for the College of American Pathologists, joins Morning Joe to discuss participating in a coronavirus vaccine trial.
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Stacey Abrams: GOP senators have not stood up to Sen. McConnell
Stacey Abrams of Fair Fight Action joins Morning Joe to discuss the Democrats' closing message in Georgia ahead of the highly-anticipated Senate runoff elections in January.
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House lawmakers vote Monday on $2,000 checks
How the U.S. missed chances to lessen impact of virus
How Report for America is boosting local journalism
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