TODAY'S TOP STORIES - February 21, 2017

Trump May Get Most Federal Judicial Appointments Since 1950s, Including 55 Stolen from Obama

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

The Supreme Court seat wasn't the only seat that was hijacked by Senate Republicans. READ MORE»

Psychologists Say Stress Caused by Trump Administration Poses Threat to Public Health

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

New report from American Psychological Association finds vast majority of Americans are significantly stressed out by the outcome of the presidential election. READ MORE»

If/When Trump Goes Down, What Are the Take-aways For Us All?

By Jeremy Sherman, AlterNet

Using psychology to cope with the effects of our current president.  READ MORE»

Why Do All the Women on Fox News Look and Dress Alike? Republicans Prefer Blondes

By Hadley Freeman , The Guardian

From pundits like Ann Coulter to Kellyanne Conway, American rightwingers are a uniform vision of don’t scare-the-horses dressing. READ MORE»

Bill Maher, Bigtime Bigot - His Outrageous Statements About Islam and Muslims Are Beyond the Pale

By Dan Cohen, AlterNet

How much longer will we continue to tolerate the kind of intolerance that Islamophobes like Maher have built their careers on? READ MORE»

Why Are So Many in the Faux 'Resistance' Silent on Trump's Iran Warpath?

By Adam Johnson, AlterNet

Many high-profile Trump critics are fine with Trump as long as he’s bashing Middle Eastern bad guys. READ MORE»

Seven Key Signs That Donald Trump Knows Nothing About Economics: His Vaunted Expertise, Like Most of What He Says, Is BS

By Paul Rosenberg, Salon

From "zero GDP" to '42 percent unemployment,' Trump's economic claims suggest profound and dangerous ignorance. READ MORE»

Ladies, Here’s Why You Should Be Having More Orgasms

By Ashlee Miller, The Frisky

A fun way to reduce stress, live longer, and sleep better.  READ MORE»

Obama Pollster Dishes on the Failures that Led to President Trump

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

Trump didn't "remake the electorate," argues leading Democratic pollster. Instead, Hillary and her party blew it READ MORE»

Morbid Inequality: Now Just SIX Men Have as Much Wealth as Half the World's Population

By Paul Buchheit, AlterNet

The world's total wealth is about $256 trillion, and in just one year the richest 10% drained nearly $4 trillion away from the rest of civilization.  READ MORE»

The GOP and ALEC's Brazen Plan to Sell Off America's Public Lands to the Fossil Fuel Industry

By Brad Brooks, AlterNet

Western states have already sold and privatized 31 million acres of state lands—an area about the size of Louisiana. READ MORE»

Grandma's Getting High: Pot Replaces Pain Pills for Relief From Cancer, Neuropathy and Other Diseases

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

Medical marijuana comes to the retirement home.  READ MORE»

Trump Administration Tells World Leaders to Just Ignore What the President Says: Report

By Erin Corbett, Raw Story

“The dirty little secret of the ‘Never-Mind-What-Trump-Said’ approach to foreign policy is that it’s not a sustainable foreign policy at all.” READ MORE»

Heads Up, Republicans Want Wall St. Investment Advisers to Lie and Pick Your Pocket

By Monique Morrissey, Economic Policy Institute

They want to push shoddy funds and kill off competition. READ MORE»

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