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Friday, January 19, 2018
Trump to address U.S. anti-abortion march, cementing U-turn on issue
(Reuters) - Donald Trump will become the third sitting U.S. president to address anti-abortion activists at the annual March for Life on Friday, highlighting his shift in recent years from a supporter of women's access to abortion to a powerful opponent.
Trump appointee quits after CNN unearths anti-Muslim rants
(Reuters) - A U.S. official appointed by President Donald Trump has resigned after CNN posted excerpts of him making racist and Islamophobic comments on a radio show he used to host, the news network reported.
Thaw on the way in southern United States
ATLANTA (Reuters) - Commuters in the southern United States will wake up to more frigid temperatures and slick roads Friday, but a thaw is expected by the weekend, forecasters say.
Supreme Court blocks redrawing of North Carolina congressional maps
(Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday blocked a lower court's order for North Carolina to rework its congressional map because Republicans violated the Constitution by drawing electoral districts intended to maximize their party's chances of winning.
Trump administration appeals against 'Dreamer' immigrant ruling to top court
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department asked the Supreme Court on Thursday to quickly overturn a lower court ruling that blocked President Donald Trump's move to end a program that protects hundreds of thousands of immigrants brought to the United States illegally as children.
Clock running out to avert government shutdown as Trump blames Democrats
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Racing against a midnight deadline, the U.S. Congress will try on Friday to send President Donald Trump legislation to keep the government operating and avoid federal agency shutdowns that would otherwise begin on Saturday.
Trump move on healthcare religious freedom prompts discrimination fears
(Reuters) - The Trump administration's move on Thursday to protect healthcare workers who refuse to perform abortions and other medical procedures on religious or moral grounds is raising fears among some civil rights and medical groups that it will provide legal cover for otherwise unlawful discrimination.
U.S. government to shield health workers under 'religious freedom'
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government is seeking to further protect the "conscience and religious freedom" of health workers whose beliefs prevent them from carrying out abortions and other procedures, in an effort likely to please conservative Christian activists and other supporters of President Donald Trump.
Delta Air to tighten onboard emotional support animal requirements
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Delta Air Lines is tightening the requirements for passengers traveling with onboard service and emotional support animals, the carrier said on Friday, following a sharp uptick in animal-related safety issues over the last several years.
U.S. to dismiss charges against 129 people in Trump inaugural protests
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department intends to dismiss criminal charges against 129 defendants in connection with the protests that took place during President Donald Trump's Jan. 20, 2017 inauguration, according to a court filing on Thursday.
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