Change starts with people coming together in their communities.


We believe that change starts with people coming together in their communities. And that means people like you bringing your friends and family close to talk, break bread and take action.

Sign up to host a gathering in your community on ways to keep fighting for equitable media and technology. We'll connect you with a coach who will guide you every step of the way.



Free Press Action
We Need to Act Now and We Need to Act Together

Free Press Action has been working on the frontlines of media and tech fights for 15 years — and we want you to join us. Sign up now to host a gathering in December to start fighting for your rights to connect and communicate in your community.


The headlines keep coming: Trump tweets nonstop attacks on the media. The Defense Department is funding research into the social-media activity of Trump protesters. Facebook … well, is it doing anything right?

We need to fight back. And if we want to win, we need to act now — and we need to act together.

Over the last 2 years, we’ve seen the power of people showing up en masse in the streets to effect change. These actions have stopped harmful policies, won elections and built community. But they didn’t happen on their own. They took relationship building and organizing.

That’s why we want to work with you in new ways to fight for our rights to connect and communicate.

Could you host a gathering in December to start fighting for more equitable media and technology?

We believe that change starts with people coming together in their communities. And that means people like you bringing your friends and family close to talk, break bread and take action.

We’ve made it easy. If you sign up to host a gathering, you’ll get:

  • A coach to walk you through the steps and answer any questions
  • A guide with everything you’ll need to plan your gathering
  • Access to exclusive videos for Free Press Action members on the latest developments in our campaigns
  • Concrete actions you can take together that night to fight back and build power to win campaigns and move policies that will make our lives better

Join us now to be a force that fundamentally changes our culture in the United States.

Hope to talk with you soon!

Brandon, Heather, Diego, Mary Alice, Candace and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Are you sick of tech companies running roughshod over your right to privacy and undermining our democracy in the process? Sign up today to be on the cutting edge of the most important media- and tech-policy fights of our time.

P.P.S. We need to raise $150k by the end of the year, and a generous donor will match the first $50,000 raised dollar for dollar. Will you donate today to help us meet our goal?

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