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May 11, 2024

New Jersey Politics
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Trump vendors won’t be allowed to set up shop in Wildwood during his rally
When former President Donald Trump heads to Wildwood for an oceanside rally on Saturday, police will be cracking down on unlicensed merchants.
By Eric Conklin | NJ Advance Media for
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Lawyers on Trump cross-examination of Stormy Daniels: ‘It’s stupid’
They pressed her on why she accepted a $130,000 payment to keep quiet about her alleged sexual encounter with Trump instead of going public.
By Matt Arco | NJ Advance Media for
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NJ Transit awards $81M contract to bus company accused of fraud
A new contract between NJ Transit and Academy Express comes with monitoring of the bus company's performance under the terms of a settlement between the state Attorney General’s Office and the bus company.
By Larry Higgs | NJ Advance Media for
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Rutgers negotiated with protesters but ignored pleas from Jews on campus, lawmakers say
Members of the school's Jewish community made their requests peacefully months ago, but were ignored, two Congressmen allege.
By Nicolas Fernandes | NJ Advance Media for and Tina Kelley | NJ Advance Media for
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