March 16, 2020  I   View in Browser

The Next Grain Demand Giants

5 Tips for Systems Success

Stop invading weeds

Don’t let weeds invade your soybean fields this spring. Control them with Sonic® herbicide all season long.

Today's Top Stories

COVID-19 Fact Sheet for Dairy Workers Available in Spanish, English  
COVID-19 Fact Sheet for Dairy Workers Available in Spanish, English

Jorge Delgado Alltech’s dairy employee training expert, put together a fact sheet that can help all employees understand the virus and what they can do to help prevent it on the farm.

Nail Adjuvant Selection for Greater Pesticide Success  
Nail Adjuvant Selection for Greater Pesticide Success

While herbicide, insecticide and fungicide active ingredients make headlines, silent in the background are adjuvants—but they play a big role in pesticide value. Get to know these tank mix partners better so your 2020 spray season is more successful.

Spring Giveth, Rain Taketh  
Spring Giveth, Rain Taketh

Get ahead of April showers. Visit and get the max out of your spring anhydrous application with N-Serve® nitrogen stabilizer.

Trump Waives Hours of Service Rules for Emergency Transport of Food  
Trump Waives Hours of Service Rules for Emergency Transport of Food

President Donald Trump has declared a national emergency because the coronavirus COVID-19 and waived the hours of service rules for truck drivers transporting emergency supplies of food. It’s the first time since the rules were enacted in 1930 that they’ve been suspended.

USDA Shuts Down Office Wing Due to Staffer with COVID-19  
USDA Shuts Down Office Wing Due to Staffer with COVID-19

USDA closed a wing of its Washington headquarters over the weekend because an employee tested positive for COVID-19, according to Agri-Pulse.

Be Your Banker’s Favorite Customer  
Be Your Banker’s Favorite Customer

As you prepare to close the books on this year, you’ll soon shift your attention to 2020. A good rule of thumb is to start planning your finances at the same time you start your agronomic plans for the next year.

Panic Buying Continues at Grocery Stores  
Panic Buying Continues at Grocery Stores

The panic buying continues at grocery stores across the country. An update in today's AgDay Minute.

Crop Comments<br>Jefferson County, Neb.  
Crop Comments
Jefferson County, Neb.

Maybe we can make toilet paper out of corn somehow. Seems to be a shortage of that. Watching it snow right now, field work willcome to a screeching halt again. Bright side, no lack of subsoil moisture.

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