The following sponsored email was sent to you by AlterNet on behalf of Fight for Reform:

SIGN IF YOU AGREE: Ruth Bader Ginsburg is one of the BEST Supreme Court Justices in our lifetime >>

Trump may have been able to appoint another Big Money Justice to the Supreme Court -- BUT thankfully, Ruth isn’t going anywhere!
'I will do this job as long as I can.' - Ruth Bader Ginsburg
We think that Ruth is one of the best Supreme Court Justices in history. She has fought endlessly against Big Money in politics.
Add your name if you agree that Ruth is one of the BEST Supreme Court Justices of our lifetime:
We know that Trump wants Ruth GONE. He’s desperate to get her off the Court for good:
'Her mind is SHOT. RETIRE!' - Donald Trump
That’s why we have to stand with Ruth. We need to collect 1O,OOO signatures to say that Ruth is one of the best Justices in history. Please, add your name NOW!






Paid political advertisement paid for and provided in kind by End Citizens United Nonfederal, 1050 17th Street, NW Suite 590, Washington, DC 20036.


















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