TODAY'S TOP STORIES - June 12, 2017

Trump New World Order: Global Alliance with Oil and Gas Producers and the Hell with Our Allies, Green Energy and All Those Jobs

By Michael T. Klare, Tom Dispatch

Those, like Trump, who prefer an oil-drenched planet will fight to achieve their hellish vision. READ MORE»

How Do We End 'Food Apartheid' in America? With Farms Like This One

By Rochaun Meadows-Fernandez, AlterNet

Soul Fire Farm in upstate New York delivers fresh, nutritious food to poor communities.  READ MORE»

Is Breitbart 'News' Doomed?

By Matt Gertz, Media Matters

Turns out bigotry isn't as profitable as investors thought.  READ MORE»

The Alt-Right Is the Modern, Hideous Face of White Supremacy

By Anis Shivani, Salon

A panel of scholars discusses the historical roots of modern white supremacy—and its most recent reinvention. READ MORE»

Trump Has Created a Political Landscape So Much Stranger Than Most of Us Are Willing to Admit

By William Boardman, Reader Supported News

Conflicts of interest, dishonesty, torture, corporatocracy, Russian connections... READ MORE»

Donald Trump's Foreign Policy Is So Much More Corrupt and Dangerous Than His Possible Ties to Putin

By David Klion, AlterNet

Is he a Russian puppet? Probably not, but his credulity and venality put the whole world at risk. READ MORE»

You Can’t Run Forever’: Sen. Patrick Leahy Puts Jeff Sessions on Notice that He Is Coming After Him

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

Leahy served up his warning on Twitter. READ MORE»

Are Hormones Responsible for Your Addiction?

By Kristen McGuiness, The Fix

It’s a question female addicts should begin to ask, and one we should demand be answered. READ MORE»

Why My Husband and I Happily Sleep in Separate Beds

By Jamie Friedlander,

Accepting that our relationship is not perfect allowed me—an anxious, frequently obsessive person—to relax. READ MORE»

The Conservative Party in the UK Is in Such Terrible Political Spot, They Have Had to Ally with This Far-Right Fringe Group to Save Their Majory

By Adam Ramsay, Open Democracy

The most likely coalition partners for a floundering Conservative party sit on the hard right fringe of British politics. READ MORE»

Anti-Muslim Rallies Across US Denounced By Civil Rights Groups

By Sabrina Siddiqui, The Guardian

So-called ‘anti-Sharia’ rallies across almost 30 US cities come as hate crimes on the rise, prompting criticism and counter-protests. READ MORE»

Serious About Fighting Climate Change? Here's the Number One Most Powerful Thing You Can Do Right Now

By Dan Mathews, AlterNet

Who needs Paris? We can help save the environment from the comfort of our own homes. READ MORE»

The Moving Story of One Teenager's Transition and His Mother's Path to Acceptance

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

The documentary "Real Boy" examines the complicated relationship between a trans teen and his mother. READ MORE»

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