Last week, we announced the launch of Trust In Beef™, a new effort to empower beef producers on their sustainability journey. As part of the program, we’ll provide consumers with real-life proof points of the continuously improving environmental performance of American beef. Our vision is that we amplify and extend the great work of many stakeholders at work on this topic already. But we also expect to drive cohesion – simplifying the process for cattle producers to meet the challenges of a changing world. That’s why we’re tapping into the full force of Farm Journal’s Drovers, the trusted voice for beef cattle producers since 1873. I firmly believe the time is right to invest in mainstreaming and highlighting sustainability in beef value chains because that’s what we are hearing from producers themselves. Earlier this year, we surveyed more than 900 beef producers from more than 40 states to understand their perspectives, beliefs and actions regarding sustainability. The biggest takeaway? Producers know the beef industry is changing and needs more change but are unsure about what they can and should do, and what impact they can have. That’s a gap that we at Farm Journal and Trust In Food™ can help to fill. There’s more information about our research at We can start the process, but we won’t be in this alone. We expect to find common ground and collaboration opportunities with many. I’d love to hear ideas for partners and supporters for this work – reach me at Yours in regenerative ag, Executive Vice President Trust In Food™, a Farm Journal initiative