Good morning, Marketer, don’t forget to laugh today. 

Hunches get a bad rap in our data-driven world of marketing. The desire to have metrics is both understandable and laudable. No one is suggesting they aren’t essential. However, as Ruben Ugarte discusses in this great article, no matter how good an analytics program is, it can’t find insights for you. 

Those come from an experienced, questioning marketer noticing something in the data. That’s the hunch. Now, the hunch itself isn’t enough. It needs to be checked out and backed up by facts. That’s when the hunch becomes an insight, something you can take action on. Ruben has some solid suggestions about that, too. Read on!  

Constantine von Hoffman,
Managing Editor

Analytics software delivers data, standards deliver insights

Only your team can determine which metrics mean the most for your business.

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Google Play rolling out app data collection labels

Users can find out what data is collected, if it is shared and the developer's security policies.

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Lessons in Buying Group Marketing – Learning to dance with your sales team

While Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is a key strategy today, going forward, B2B marketers will take a more holistic view. More of a dance than a race, marketing is evolving to look at the entire lifecycle and how to care for the customer relationship at each phase.

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Marketing analytics: What it is and why marketers should care

We unpack marketing analytics: what it is, why it’s important, and how it can help marketers achieve brand success.

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How to measure and communicate the value of marketing in a cookieless world

Third-party cookies are dying. And honestly? Good riddance. With a first-party measurement strategy, you can get to the heart of marketing’s impact using outcome-oriented measures like conversions, leads, sales and, ultimately, ROI. It’s the kind of reporting your stakeholders want. Download this guide and find out how to measure and communicate the value of marketing in a cookieless world.

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Edgemesh announces new feature to fight ad and click fraud

Ad spend losses from fraud will cost US companies $23 billion this year.

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What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation isn’t just about buying or upgrading technology; it’s about creating a “digital-first” mindset throughout marketing operations.

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Become a master of MarTech

Say hello to the MarTech Master Classes, expert-led tours through critical marketing topics — including buying martech, attribution analysis, and Google Analytics 4. 100% live. 100% virtual. 100% actionable.

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People. Shutterstock, the stock image platform, has announced the appointment of Jason McLelland as CMO. He comes from the CMO role at website search solution Algolia. Prior experience includes CMO roles at Domino Data Lab and Heroku, a cloud platform acquired by Salesforce, and almost nine years in various roles at Adobe.

Shutterstock also announced the appointment of Christopher ‘Skip’ Wilson, formerly in a brand role with Peloton, as VP Branding Marketing.

Also, automated lead routing platform LeanData named Franco Anzini Chief Operating Officer. An experienced RevOps leader, Anzini comes from cybersecurity firm Malwarebytes, where he was VP of Revenue Operations.

From Search Engine Land

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