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Tucker Carlson: The Russia story cannot die -- CNN, the Democratic Party, others have too much invested in it
Tucker Carlson: The Russia story cannot die -- CNN, the Democratic Party, others have too much invested in it

Attorney General Bill Barr is a handy way for Democrats to keep the Russia collusion story in the news. 

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Dr. Marc Siegel: Measles quarantine on a cruise ship – what are challenges for passengers?

Thanks to a Church of Scientology cruise ship quarantined this week by the Caribbean island of St. Lucia, people around the world are wondering how i...

Dr. Marc Siegel: Measles quarantine on a cruise ship – what are challenges for passengers?

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Ingraham: Stunts and noise versus substance and poise

Democrats launch a smear campaign against Attorney General Barr.

Ingraham: Stunts and noise versus substance and poise
Hannity: The DNC did try to collude with their government in 2016

Democrats attack Attorney General Barr over Mueller report results, fighting to hold on to Russia collusion narrative.

Hannity: The DNC did try to collude with their government in 2016
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