Good morning, Marketer, and the holidays are upon us.

Today, email expert Kath Pay outlines how marketers can give their subscribers an unexpected gift this holiday season — a better unsubscribe experience.

“Goodbye doesn’t have to mean ‘get lost.’” So true. Making it easier to unsubscribe could actually save a customer or even lead to a sale. 

Chris Wood,

5 ways to tune up your unsubscribe process before the holidays

Goodbye doesn't have to mean "get lost." Here's how to make your email unsubscribe process more user-friendly.

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The role of modern marketing in carbon reduction

By scaling supplier engagement with compelling content and powerful martech, marketers can help reduce carbon emissions in the supply chain.

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6 data collection tactics for marketing in the cookieless future

When customers are more involved in the process, your marketing automation program will benefit from better data.

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Delivering rich and personalized customer experiences within the media ecosystem

To tap into the industry’s massive revenue potential, media companies are grappling with setting themselves ahead of the crowd and vying for the attention, and loyalty, of this captive audience through in-game advertising.

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Webinar - Deliver consistent customer experiences and deeper engagement

Humans expect consistency in the digital-first world but don’t want to see the same thing over and over again. Learn why multi-site management is the foundation of diverse, yet on brand, digital experiences.

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Why we care about RevOps: A marketer’s guide

RevOps seeks to maximize your brand's revenue potential by aligning departments and processes. Here's why organizations should consider implementing it.

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Best practices for getting started with AI

Companies don’t have to start from scratch to begin experimenting with artificial intelligence.

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Email Analytics in 2022: A Survival Guide

Evolving email capabilities, privacy changes, and the looming end of third-party cookies are changing how marketers approach their email marketing strategy—and how they measure campaigns.

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How to mine data from digital events

Third Door Media’s Marc Sirkin shows how online events can yield valuable data to boost marketing and drive sales.

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Explore the fall season of MarTech

More than 60 free sessions showcasing tools, technologies, and solutions — plus data-rich case studies from world-class brands like Coca-Cola and Atlassian… the complete fall edition of MarTech is here!

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