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Writer's Digest University
   Horror Writing Intensive
In this class, you'll have the opportunity to write an outline and a 2,000 word short story or chapter incorporating elements of suspense.

[Check out more upcoming courses]
The instructor, reading materials, power point videos, and postings from other writers were just what I needed over these past two weeks to encourage me to improve my horror novel. Plus, it was enjoyable to reread some beloved works of Stephen King, whether about writing or fiction itself. - BB

This was actually a lot of fun and contained a great deal of useful information. The presentation worked well; communicative without extra fluff. Very good! - BT
Phil Athans
Instructor Philip Athans is the New York Times best-selling author of Annihilation and a dozen other fantasy and horror books including The Guide to Writing Fantasy & Science Fiction and Devils of the Endless Deep.         
Starting November 9
Introduction to Copyediting
Horror Writing Intensive: Analyzing the Work of Genre Master Stephen King
12 Weeks to a First Draft
How to Craft a Book that Can Sell
How to Blog a Book
Business Writing
Query in 14 Days
Writing the Middle Grade Novel
Freelance Writing
Starting November 16
Short Story Fundamentals
Writing Nonfiction 101
Advanced Poetry
Getting Started in Writing
Revision & Editing
Krista Rea
Krista Rea
Krista is the Online Education Manager for Writer's Digest. She is an avid reader and is always on the lookout for a great new book.
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