Good morning, Marketer, and here’s something the entire organization can rally around.

Reviews! Everybody likes getting good reviews. In many industries, contributor Brian Patterson points out in his piece today, reviews are hard to come by. So it really needs to be a company-wide initiative to reign in all those good vibes from your customers.

Also, even if the reviews gain traction online, it’s real people on the team who can work their magic in-person with customers. It’s a helpful reminder from Brian that technology doesn’t eliminate the need for good people skills.

Chris Wood,

How to ask customers for reviews (and actually get them)

How do you get a satisfied customer to become an online advocate? Here are tips on how to ask for reviews to help bolster your business.

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Why marketers are replacing foundational martech

With engagement technologies in place, marketers are now turning to the foundational layer for replacements.

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How marketing compensation and roles are changing: Take the MarTech Salary and Career Survey

Spend a few moments to help us better understand the dramatic changes affecting the marketing and martech spaces.

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Maximize your search marketing budget with first-party conversation data

Learn how to use this untapped data source and maximize every dollar spent.

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The landscape of digital advertising is changing.

Today’s consumers expect a personalized and intentional ad experience. Create targeting strategies that engages with your customers where they are.

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It’s time for CMOs to talk business

CMOs are marketing-minded already. Today they need to be business-minded above all.

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What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation isn’t just about buying or upgrading technology; it’s about creating a “digital-first” mindset throughout marketing operations.

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2023 digital marketing salary guide & hiring trends report

Download this guide from Conductor for compensation benchmarks and hiring trends you need to know to develop a winning recruitment and retention strategy—or attain your career goals.

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Q&A with the director of Google Analytics: Getting started with Google Analytics 4

Russ Ketchum, director of Google Analytics, talks about migrating from Universal Analytics and shares some GA4 power user moves.

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Explore the fall season of MarTech

More than 60 free sessions showcasing tools, technologies, and solutions — plus data-rich case studies from world-class brands like Coca-Cola and Atlassian… the complete fall edition of MarTech is here!

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