What if, John, your greatest success in this lifetime is to come from a completely unexpected field?

And it will be made possible because you followed your heart in all of the expected fields?

Have you considered that?

It's all for you,
    The Universe

John!! There are already hundreds of comments on yesterday's launch of my brand new free video series! The most common thread is, "That was so for me! I really needed to hear that! Best timing, ever!"

What: Free Video Series, Deliberate Living and Conscious Creation
Why: To share my best ideas with the most people possible
When: Video 1 is NOW available - every 3 days a new one follows
Cost: FREE for Notes from the Universe subscribers and friends

See it yourself, hear it yourself, and share it with others!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© www.tut.com ®

Follow your heart, John, no matter what.

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