What one little thing could you do today, John, within your means and your comfort zone, that would make you feel like a supercoolhappylovething?

Get down on it,
    The Universe

John, in 4 weeks join me and TUTTERS in Santa Fe, NM!
  • Set yourself up for a total life makeover.
  • Find your tribe and discover your voice.
  • Laugh, learn, lead, inspire, dance, play, change.
  • Become a Certified Infinite Possibilities Trainer.

Infinite Possibilities - 1 Conference, 4 Days, 18 Speakers

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© www.tut.com ®

The road to paradise, John, is made up of little steps, on a mostly dirt path, with earwigs and moss scattered about, guarded by a few armadillos and the occasional lonely pine, beautified, at most, with a few wild dandelion flowers and dusty moths, within earshot of crickets that have no concept of when they should actually be chirping. But hey... we're talking about the road to paradise.

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