It doesn't matter that the road's been rough, that you now have challenges, or that uncertainties loom on the horizon, John.

None of these change the fact that for every thought you think today, worlds will come tumbling into existence. For every word you speak, legions will be called into action. And for every step you take, matter will be drawn from the ether.

Jeez - 
    The Universe

John, each year this is the greatest addition to my library at home. I get the entire binder of 100 CDs (10 lbs!), but you don’t have to buy it to listen to every single interview if you start early.

What: Inspiration, empowerment, love, food, creativity, enlightenment.
Who: 100 legends (Deepak, Esther, Louise, Wayne, myself, and 95 others).
Format: 100 interviews, 15 movies on relationships, angels, bliss, and more.
Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© ® 

Besides, John, you're still cute as a bug when your brow scrunches up.