John, was just peering down through your blue skies this morning. Unbelievable! Do you see the same when you look up? Crystal clear, azure, indigo, cobalt-kind-of-magical? There really are no words for it. Lovely even pales. And to think you get to live under it every single day of your life, knowing that even with the cloudiest and dreariest weather, just above the mist there exists such iridescent splendor. As if to hint at what forever might look like, to remind you of your infinite reach, and to make clear life's perfection. Because if such beauty can exist in the sky alone, with only a palette of blue, imagine what else this artist can do.

Sometimes, to be honest, it’s all so beautiful it makes my heart skip.

    The Universe

Stranger than fiction, but for over a year, I've been corresponding with Frank, through channel Tracy Farquhar, whose other planetary civilization was once facing many of the same challenges we face, yet for changes made, they were catapulted to a place of incredible success and prosperity.

Want to get a jump on new success and prosperity? My newest book on all we shared, releases TODAY! In addition to learning about life on Brahoshka, we talked about life on Earth, reviewing:
  • The power of imagination, meditation, concentrated thought & prayer.
  • Angels and how to use them (they're our partners in creation).
  • Insights into other dimensions, circular time, currency-free economies, and how to build a better world.
  • Similarities and differences between their culture, technology, education, leisure pursuits, relationships, and our own.
  • The empowering revelation that it was your highest choice to live at this crucial time on Earth, and therefore even the smallest deliberate action on your part will have great consequences.
From Deep Space with Love – Releases TODAY, Get the Gifts!
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Oh, dearie me, John, of course I have a heart! And when it's not skipping or jumping for joy, it's beating inside of yours.