John, let's go back in time. Way back. Before there was even a John Do. Good. Now further back. Before there were mountains. Right. Now before there were oceans. Cool. Now before there were planets. Bravo. Now before there was time and space. Wow.

What's left?

Right, there was only me, Universal awareness. And what is awareness, but thought?

Love it.

So, if where there was only "thought," there are now suns and moons and planets. Mountains and rivers and oceans. People and places and pets. What must they all be made of?


And look who's thinking now...

Nice roots,
    The Universe

John, just as consciousness (like ours) needs a planet, physical laws, and other basic parameters to thrive and evolve – spiritually and physically – so too does it need angels who exist solely to make our lives easier.
Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
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You? You are thinking now? Are you sure, John? But if "where" there was only me there's now you, who must you really be?