The essential difference between you and me, John, apart from your unique saunter and savoir-faire is that I know, to the core of my being, that the only difference between "have" and "have-not" is imagination.

So, John, how are you enjoying your beautiful vacation home??


      The Universe

John, a few weeks ago I was speaking at 1440 Multiversity and I met psychologist Elisha Goldstein who's leading a fascinating 6-month online course in Mindful Living – with an emphasis on PLAY! If you’ve ever wanted in-depth coaching and mentorship to help you live with greater purpose and courage, this might be just the thing.

A Mindful Living Course with Elisha Goldstein

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
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And I could watch you help millions of people every day all day long!!!!
It starts soon.
Train to Play!