Odd, isn't it, how folks will look back to great milestones in their life - to when they met someone, fortuitously changed careers, or were somehow found to be in exactly the right place at exactly the right time - and consider such incidents turning points?
Because actually, John, the real turning points in any life always occur well before such manifestations, in the moments when they finally began thinking, speaking, and behaving like never before.
Hey, it works - 
   The Universe

John, join me… Jason Mraz... a shaman... a visionary... a parenting expert... and an intuitive channeler... as we talk about ways to bring more MAGIC into your life. 

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
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Then, the inevitable serendipities that will follow - chance encounters, thrilling work, and breakfast in bed - are just a matter of us (in the unseen) rearranging the "furniture" of their lives, John, setting them up for some magic. (Yeah, talk about the right place at the right time... More syrup?)
This is good stuff.