Changing what you have, John, comes from changing who you are.
And changing who you are comes from changing what you think.
Which is why I made the latter so easy to do.
Thoughts become things,
   The Universe

John, let me share revelations on purpose, meaning, aliens, belief busting, past lives, love, channeling, secret societies, and what your dearly beloveds on the other side want you to know. Find peace and rock the living daylights out of your dreams. Each is said to be, “The best book I ever read…” by respective readers.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© ® 
Changing what you think, John, ultimately changes your words, your actions, the kind of music you listen to, the movies you watch, the places you visit, the friends you hang out with, and, even how you look in jeans.
Rock your life...